Morgannwg LDC

Morgannwg Local Dental Committee represents subscibing General Dental Practitioners who have General Dental Services (GDS) or Personal Dental Services (PDS) NHS contracts with the Primary and Community Services Delivery Unit of the Swansea Bay University Health Board.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) LDC Advice



The Local Dental Committee (Morgannwg LDC) is a Statutory Committee that must be consulted by its corresponding Health Body (Swansea Bay University Health Board) on matters relating to NHS General Dental Practitioners, such matters being contractual matters, disciplinary matters and commissioning matters. The Local Dental Committee also collaborates with the corresponding Health Body on matters relating to the provision of General Dental Practitioner Services through a Liaison Group consisting of LDC and Health Board officials, and which meets every two months. It also has representation on other relevant Health Board committees in accordance with its statutory functions.

Morgannwg LDC Mission Statement

Morgannwg LDC will represent the views of its Members and Subscribers locally to the Swansea Bay University Health Board, those views being established through LDC meetings and where appropriate through consultation with subscribers. The LDC will advise, support and represent subscribers in contract disputes and negotiations with the health board and any other matters relating to their NHS contracts. All subscribers are invited to LDC meetings but colleagues who are not elected members or co-opted members are asked to contact the secretary by email to notify of this intention so that appropriate seating arrangements can be made.

LDC Funding

Morgannwg LDC is at present funded by a Statutory Levy, paid by subscribing practitioners on a monthly basis. The Levy is used to pay committee expenses such as meeting rooms, hire of equipment, reimbursement of loss of income for representatives on LDC duty, travelling expenses for representatives and other administrative expenses.

Date and Time of next LDC Meeting

Thursday, 27th January, 2022 at 1900 via Zoom